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$150K in prizes up for grabs in Music and Arts Contest

Writer: Jessica CallenderJessica Callender

Young people had an opportunity to express their creativity in music and the arts in categories of Music, Artwork, Handicraft, and Dancing, are now awaiting the results.

Persons aged 14 to 35 submitted entries of a 30 second jingle, Group flash mob and/or dance, two- to three-minute song, artwork or handicraft for a chance to have their work commissioned for $150,000 GYD.

The winning entries will be commissioned for the mentioned amount and retained by the organisers for use for non-partisan educational and awareness-raising purposes.

The entries all followed the theme ONE People (What does it mean to love my fellow citizens?), ONE Nation (What does it mean to be loyal to my country), and ONE Destiny (What does it mean to dedicate my energies towards the happiness and prosperity of Guyana/What Guyana do we want to leave for future generations?).

Janet Murdock, UN Peace Advisor, highlighted that these messages are more impactful when delivered through music and art pieces.

“The soundscapes to which we are exposed in life also shape the meaning that we give to events, to people and to the issues, on a deeper emotional level beyond our cognitive brains.

“Because we are emotional people. We are more than our rational brains. We have feelings and music and art connect us to that essence, to our soul.”

Entries are being judged based on clarity and flow of content, creativity, presentation, technical quality and impact.

Winners will be announced at an award ceremony on a date to be determined.

Youth ALLIES: Power of One competition was hosted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and the Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC), in association with Youth Challenge Guyana (YCG) and Guyana Council for Persons with Disability (GCOPD) from August 12 – September 21.


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