President of the Guyana Teacher’s Union Mark Lyte has responded to Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton remarks on it's ‘illegal isolation day ‘as absolute rubbish.
With the surge in COVID 19 cases, the Guyana Teachers Union has called on all teachers to isolate themselves on Monday.
However during a virtual address on Sunday Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton said if teachers are to heed the call and stay away from school they will not be paid as he said the process lacked legality.
Meanwhile President of the Guyana Teachers Union, Mark Lyte, said despite the comments of the Labour Minister the Union still went ahead with its isolation day.
"Absolute rubbish the union has not called a strike we have call isolated and I don’t know by what term the Minister is considering this a strike we have not Called a strike. Teachers are tired, disgust among the movement of covid cases on teachers and learners."
Lyte said the Union has provision in place to cater for its members who heeded the isolation call.
"Several schools have reported close and there are some that are working with limited staff so we don’t see classes will go for the day in those schools that are open because we see a number of teachers have supported the call and they are standing in solidarity with the union…we are prepared to support our teachers in whatever way possible because it is our mandate and we have been doing so and will continue to support our member in whatever relief way."
Over the weeks teachers and parents have raised concerns on social media on the number of staffs and students testing positive for the COVID 19 virus.
They are calling for schools to be closed however to date schools remain open.