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Caretaker remanded for killing of 85 year old woman

Staff Writer

37-year-old Roshanie Basdeo of Bush Lot Village West Coast Berbice was remanded when she appeared in the Weldaad Magistrates Court to answer a murder charge earlier today.

She was not required to plead to the charge when it was read to her by magistrate Peter Hugh.

The allegation is that on November 28, 2022, Basdeo murdered 85 year old Sumindra Sawh of Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice.

An autopsy that was performed on the body of the elderly woman revealed that she died as a result of a number of injuries inclusive of multiple stab wounds, asphyxia, and a fractured skull among others.

The police had said that the 37 year woman confessed to planning the robbery and provided investigators with gruesome details of what transpired.

When MTV News Update arrived at the scene, neighbours were skeptical about relating what they heard but noted that the woman was a quiet individual and that they were shocked to learn of her demise.


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