Demerara Harbour Bridge reopens to vehicular traffic, trucks 10 tons and less

The Demerara Harbour Bridge has been reopened to vehicular traffic and trucks weighing 10 tons and less.
The Corporation, in a Facebook post, said the “bridge is now open to vehicular traffic flowing both ways. Commuters are advised to take precautions when you see the cones while crossing the bridge, and only trucks with the maximum of 10 tons are allowed on the bridge.”
Earlier today, the traffic over the 44-year-old bridge came to a halt after a Tug and Barge slammed into the floating structure, hitting the retractor nine span.
Owing to the fact that the Harbour Bridge is the main thoroughfare over the Demerara River, many persons were forced to use the Georgetown and Vreed-En-Hoop Stellings to meet at their destination.
This resulted in chaos erupting as hundreds of persons were seen pushing to board a boat to head over the Demerara River.
Last March, a tug and barge crashed into the bridge, dislocating a pontoon anchoring chain.