Chairwoman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh, on Tuesday voted in favour of disclosing the documents supplied by the Opposition alleging voter fraud.
Last week, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall wrote to the GECOM Chair requesting the release of the documents, which reportedly showed that dead people and persons who were overseas on Election Day voted at the 2020 General and Regional Elections.
The letter was debated on Tuesday at the Commission’s statutory meeting. The three Opposition Commissioners, Vincent Alexander, Desmond Trotman Charles Corbin, objected to its release, according to government nominated-Commissioner Sase Gunraj.

When asked when the documents will be released, Gunraj said, “Well, now that we have made the decision, she (Chairwoman) will go ahead and do that.”
In addition to dead people voting in the recent elections, the Opposition contended that 49 boxes in Better Hope/LBI were missing statutory documents.
But according to the AG, the Coalition continues to peddle this false narrative in the public domain.
He highlighted that these are “grave allegations,” and even though it has been found to be untrue, the relevant state agency ought to “reconfirm their inaccuracy” for the public record.
“It is important that the relevant State agency enquires into the source of this information, upon whose directions they were sourced and, perhaps, most importantly, to officially reconfirm their inaccuracy, for public record. In the circumstances, I hereby request a copy of these documents to initiate this process,” the letter stated.