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Hemp, Mental Health and Bail bills to be tabled soon

Several important pieces of legislation such as Mental Health, Hemp, Bail and the Condominium Bills are expected to be tabled in the National Assembly very shortly. This is according to the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall.

The Hemp legislation has been receiving a lot of interest from persons in and out of Guyana.

According to the Attorney General, this bill will be one of the most advanced bills and the first draft has been completed. The Government will have to discuss and determine what the next steps are.

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall.

“We are creating an entire bill that will have an entire governance structure, and also prescribe the relevant technical levels that determine the legality for hemp, also regulate the way hemp will be cultivated and how one would qualify to cultivate.”

This Nandlall said will be tabled in the National Assembly soon.

“It’s a work in progress, but it will be one of the most advanced pieces of legislation of its type and should be in parliament very shortly.”


Also slated for the National Assembly is the Condominium Bill which will pave the way for owners of condominiums and duplexes to access titles for their land.

Additionally, commercial banks would also be able to accept the properties as collateral and offer loans to the homeowners for expansion, insurance companies will also be allowed to issue policies for protection.

Currently, the Act caters for the regulation and division of properties into parts that are to be owned individually and parts that are to be owned in common, to make provision for the use and management of such properties and to make provision for the assignment of certain properties owned by the Government.

According to Minister Nandlall, the bill has been completed and the current Condominium Act will be repealed as it is outdated, inefficient and defective.


Nandlall also revealed that the Bail Legislation is currently with the judiciary and other stakeholders for recommendations and final input. He is optimistic that it will be tabled shortly.

This bill is aimed at bringing uniformity to the granting and refusal of bail which is expected to bring some level of consistency in this regard.

“The Bail Bill will hopefully address those matters,” he said.


Consultations have already begun on the new Arbitration Bill as the Government moves to modernise the way arbitration is done in Guyana.

The Attorney General said arbitration is the preferred form of dispute resolution for the oil and gas industry and modern legislation would instil confidence in international investors that Guyana is a competent arbitration venue.

“We have a model arbitration bill, this is one that was generated by CARICOM, .., it is the most modern expression of arbitration law in the Caribbean.”


Also, the Mental Health Bill will soon be ready and will be tabled in the National Assembly.


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