Labourer, 26, caught jumping through window with illegal gun

Three persons, including a 26-year-old labourer, are in Police custody after a search of the apartment in which they were in netted several items.
The Police Force reported that an intel-led ‘Eyes in the Sky’ and ‘cordon and search’ operation was conducted in the Central Police Station District in Berbice between 05:30h and 06:11h on Tuesday.
During the operation, a Police team led by the Regional Divisional Detective Officer for Region Six proceeded to Lot 24 Sheet Anchor Village, East Canje Berbice, where they made contact with Delcina Lampkin, a 31-year-old businesswoman.

Lampkin was informed about the reason for the Police presence and agreed to a search of her two-storey building.
As the search commenced, Police officers observed a male exiting a window on the upper floor of the house. The man jumped from the upper to the lower floor and ran towards the back fence.
The ranks chased and apprehended the man, who identified himself as Rashane Pellew, a 26-year-old labourer who lived at the location.

A search of Pellew unearthed a black 9mm pistol with one magazine. The Police brought this to Pellew’s attention, informed him of the offence committed, cautioned him, and arrested him.
A further search of the home, including the room Pellew was seen exiting, revealed a female and eight cell phones. Pellew and three other individuals from the house were arrested and escorted to the Central Police Station.
The Police also took possession of the firearm and the cell phones. Pellew is slated to be charged as the investigation continues.