Labourer, 26, hospitalised following Middle Road shooting

Shane Bourne, a 26-year-old labourer, is hospitalised at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was riddled with bullets on Middle Road, La Penitence, Georgetown, on Monday.
Police said Bourne, who is accused of attempted murder, was reportedly approached by two unidentified males on a motorcycle, one of whom fired several shots at him.
Bourne was struck four times in his right thigh and once in his left thigh. The suspects fled the scene.
Following the shooting, the 26-year-old labourer was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital by public-spirited citizens and admitted as a patient. His condition is listed as stable.
In 2023, Bourne and Ryan Goodluck were charged with discharging a loaded firearm at Sherwin Bobb, Seon Ross, and Hamilton Dickerson.