Minister of Education Priya Manickchand says measures will be put in place at the Lodge Secondary school following the discovery of students being in possession of an air gun, a screwdriver, and a knife on Thursday.
The Education Minister during an interview with DPI highlighted that a PTA meeting will be held shortly and it is mandatory for all parents to attend.
For those parents who fail to show up, their children will not be allowed back into the classroom until the Education Ministry has engaged them.
However, she noted "That does not mean we will leave them to stray on the street, that means we will take them and go to their homes until we find each and every one of those 338 children’s homes and get their parents to understand what’s happening in the school, what their role is and how together we can make their children shine."
She further noted too that "We have to look at the entire structure of that school."
Teachers attached to the secondary school on Wednesday downed tools citing security concerns.
This is the second incident of gang violence reported in a secondary school in less than 24 hours.
The New Campbellville Secondary School was forced to dismiss for half of the day on Thursday after a incident stemmed between two students.
One of the student called their peers from outside the school when the gang invaded the school compound and began threatening students.
In the meantime, the Ministry of Education will be taking a holistic approach to address the issue. The initiative will see the involvement of the Guyana Police Force, including the Community Policing Groups, as well as religious leaders in the respective communities.