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Norton re-elected PNCR Leader; Motion passed for him to be presidential candidate


Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has announced that Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has been re-elected party leader unopposed after the other nominees pulled out from the race, citing irregularities in the internal elections.

Other positions filled are Chairman, with Shurwayne Holder being re-elected, and Vinceroy Jordan and Elizabeth Williams-Niles being re-elected Vice-Chairpersons.

The party’s three-day 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress, which got underway on Friday, also saw Elson Low, who served as Norton’s Economic and Youth Policy Adviser, elected as Treasurer.

Party members voting [Photo: PNCR/ June 30]

With over 1,300 delegates representing 218 groups, the Congress also passed a motion decreeing that the elected party leader at the 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress be the presidential candidate for the upcoming general and regional elections slated for November 2025.

“The turnout was overwhelming and attests to the vibrancy and strength of the Party and the commitment and loyalty of its membership,” PNCR said in a statement early Monday morning.

“Counting of votes for the election of the fifteen-member Central Executive Committee of the PNCR will continue this morning,” the statement added.

The theme for the Congress was “Forming the next government: building a just, inclusive, and prosperous society for all.”


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