The Guyana Basins Summit is slated for October 4-6 with almost 95% of the booths already sold out. The Summit which will feature experts from the International and Local arena is being hosted at the new Pegasus Suites.
Already, over 400 International Delegates are slated to attend this three day event.
This is according to Timothy Tucker, President of the Georgetown Chambers of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) - who is the event’s main partner, with Digicel Business being the principal partner.
“We have a large contingent coming in from Brazil, Nigeria, Ghana, Canada, Uk, it is pegged to be one of the most important conference this year because it’s dealing not just with Guyana but the Guyana basin so you would have experts analysing the entire Guyana basin and what it can do for this region,” Tucker said.
Additionally he said preparations are well underway and as a strong advocate for local content, he says he is pleased with the response from local firms to participate in this noteworthy summit.
“GCCI Members represent over 30 percent of the booth holders as well as a large contingency from the GCCI is participating. The chamber is the lead partner in this conference. We have been at the forefront designing the conference to ensure that Guyanese and Guyanese businesses get access to the conference. So we have been able to secure preferential delegate pricing for locals and chamber members,” Tucker told MTV News Update in a telephone interview.
The exhibition will feature over 70 exhibitors who will have the opportunity to network and build partnerships with companies they find interesting. The exhibition will be open to the public.
Persons can register at