In order to find solutions to societal issues involving men and boys, the male diaspora must come together and network. This is according to President Dr. Irfaan Ali, launching his “1000 Men” initiative.
Head of State Dr. Irfaan Ali is seeking to use influential men to tackle several societal issues including domestic abuse, crime and violence. He dubs it, the “1000 Men” initiative. Some of the influential figures will be selected from the joint service, teachers and those in the sporting fraternity.
President Ali explained that the men would then form a unit, in which he will lead. He noted that members of the unit would be placed into key communities countrywide. He further noted that the objective is to fully integrate young people into the economic and social aspect of Guyana, making them viable for positive changes.
The Head of State said, “This programme is to reverse the strategy in dealing with the problems faced by young boys and men in our society. The mission of these 1,000 men is to work in every community to eradicate hunger, to work in every single community to lift those who are emotionally and socially affected.”
The President said effective communication and dialogue among men is direly needed. While networking plays a pivotal role in the “1000 Men’ initiative, President Ali implored that it is only through feasible interaction that these social problems can be dealt with.
“It is to change every society and bring positive living and positive light to every single community. It is to work against violence, it is working to make men better, at being good men, responsible men, responsible boys, and responsible youths in the society.” The President said.