Following reports of potholes emerging on the newly resurfaced Thomas Lands road, the Ministry of Public Works is engaging the contracted company, Pooran Manman and Sons Contracting Services.
This was confirmed by Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill.
“I have a report on my desk from the Engineers and it is being addressed with the contractor,” Minister Edghill told MTV News Update during a recent interview.
When asked whether there will be consequences for the contracting company Edghill said, “Yes, when you build a road, there’s what you call a defects liability period of a year.”
The Public Works Minister also reminded truck and container operators that community roads are not roads they can use to traverse.
“Container trucks and heavy laden trucks do not drive through local community roads. Community roads are not made for that.” “Part of the problem with the road you just enquired about Thomas Lands was the overladen trucks but we put in certain mechanism using the geocell and the geofabric and the engineers are examining what is going on there and what needs to be done in terms of the defects,” Edghill added.
The Thomas Lands road project costs some $30 million and was resurfaced with new technology that is used to prevent the shoulders from slipping into the canals.