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Skeletal remains found on Corentyne seashore

Staff Writer

The skeletal remains, which was found at the Eversham Seashore [Photo: MTV News Update/ August 27, 2022]

The Police in Berbice were informed about the discovery of skeletal remains suspected to be that of a male discovered at the Eversham seashore by a cattle farmer on Friday.

The discovery was made at noon while the man was tending to his cattle in the area. He told MTV News Update that he saw a flock of carrion crows eating on a dead carcass and decided to investigate.

Upon investigating, the man said he was shocked to see that it was the dead remains of a human and immediately left the area and informed friends, who noted that they would inform the Police.

His description of the remains was that it had on underpants along with long pants and that the skeleton's heel was still visible.

When our team visited the location earlier today, the skeletal remains were still at the seashore, and the Police were contacted.

However, there are no reports of anyone missing from the community, and persons suggest that the remains could be that of a fisherman or someone else washed up in the area from neighbouring Suriname. Investigations are ongoing.


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