Teaching Service Commission appointed

President Irfaan Ali has sworn in members of the new Teaching Service Commission while reminding them of their duties and urging them to enhance and uphold professionalism in the education sector.
These Commissioners shall take up their post from December 30, and will hold that post for exactly three years.
The seven members appointed are Maydha Persaud, Avril Crawford, Doodmattie Singh, Joan Ann Davis-Monkhouse, Shafiran Bhajan, Mohammed Saddam Hussain and Satti Jaisierisingh.
President Irfaan Ali says “Placing ill qualified and ill-suited persons to educate our children could be disastrous to our children’s future and the human resource development of the country. It is equally necessary that within the teaching profession, appointments and promotions are dispensed in a fair and just manner.”
The Commission was last appointed in 2018. The body is responsible for appointing, disciplining and removing teachers.
The last Teaching Service Commission had only completed the 2020 promotions of senior teaching staff.
This long outstanding appointment of Commissioners was delayed by a lack of "meaningful consultation" between the ruling party and the Opposition.
Progress was made in this area on May 13 this year when President Ali and Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton met for the first time and agreed to consult on the appointments of the Police Service Commission, Integrity Commission, Teaching Service Commission, and the Judicial Service Commission.
President Ali stated earlier this year that the appointment of this Commission will address teacher shortages that are causing issues countrywide.
He further underscored the value teachers bring to society, thereby reinforcing the importance of the teaching service commission.
“The Commission encourages teachers to pursue rewarding careers with the expectation that they will not be discriminated against or treated unfairly.”